Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Body Weight and Weight Gain,

Baby fat is synonymous with health? Fat children will be obese adults? We investigate these and other popular thoughts to find out what is myth and what is true
Babies who are born fat are healthier?

Doctors have a different view and look askance at those who are born with more than 4 pounds. One fear is that the mother has gestational diabetes presented, a silent disease that may not have been diagnosed during the nine months. Diabetes can cause excessive weight gain, pulmonary immaturity and metabolic problems in the baby. Another fear is that parents try to keep the initial pattern of excessive food to child. It may seem early to talk about childhood obesity, but recent research on the subject is shown that even early in life that the problem begins. And not only that. A study by the University of North Carolina, USA, with babies up to 18 months, concluded that obesity can hinder the child's motor development. The small may take longer to crawl and walk, for example. Genetic factors also count, so a baby can indeed born to be fat and healthy.Tests performed in the maternity ward show how healthof new born will be seen.

Children can only lean ill
If the child has a good curve of growth, fattening even at very slow pace, to develop consistent with its age and does not present any problems - what a good pediatrician may investigate - do not worry. And sorry for all the uncles, grandparents and siblings experience and full of good intentions, but only a doctor can assess whether thinness is a result of disease. There are children who, by genetic factors, it will be thinner (and therefore will thank you later in life). It will take a long time to assimilate our culture the concept that chubby children are not necessarily healthy. This, coupled with the fact that the biggest complaint in pediatric practices is "my son does not eat," led many parents to buy appetite stimulants and vitamins to the children without any guidance. Warning: too much of one or as otherwise may seriously damage a child's development.

Children should always get fat
Truth. The human being develops physically (height and weight gain) until about 18 years (women) or 21 (men). The speed gain varies, especially in childhood. In the first year of life, the baby triples its birth weight and full of appetite. In the second, should only one third of the fat already gained. For example, a baby born with 3 pounds will probably have 9 pounds on the first anniversary, but by the second, complete 12. In other words, you earn only 3 pounds and not six as in the first year. Keep it up, gaining about 2 pounds to about age 9, when the growth spurt of adolescence begins. The pace of growth and the desire to eat slow, but the anxiety of parents. Until now, because that child walks, runs, plays endlessly, spends a lot of energy. The impression is that they need more and more food. But neither need nor have an appetite for it.

Who is born will be also fat as an adult?
It depends. Birth weight has a lot to do with factors related to pregnancy and may not show the real tendency of the baby. The problem is too much food the child to maintain the standards of the birth. The kids get used to this habit and leads to adulthood. A study in Hong Kong with 80,000 boys and girls found that chubby babies are born and grow rapidly are much more likely to be overweight at age 7. Recent research shows that approximately 70% of chubby children become obese adults. What do to change the picture? Prevent. Provide a healthy diet with lots of vegetables and fruit, no excess fat and carbohydrate, and encourage physical activity.

The average growth curve shows just what the name says: the average child development as it occurs. Theoretically, one can understand that half the population is below this value and half are above. The curve is made ​​of multiple tracks and includes several biotypes. A child of two years, for example, can have from 9 to 14 pounds and 81 to 93 inches tall. The pediatrician will evaluate its development taking into account the two values ​​and the curve is describing it since birth. Each child has one and it will show its growth trend. The important thing is the turn is always growing. If there is a sudden change up or down or if the chart to get the tracks from the ends, then, yes, it's time to investigate the existence of a problem.

Not only are genetic factors that interfere with a child's weight. The lifestyle of the family, the culture of the region, school and friends also influence the way for him to eat and, consequently, on their weight. Lean adults probably eat healthily and to give this example to his son. He will have more chances of having a great development. Still, parents should observe the small and investigate potential problems, physical and emotional, of any change in its pattern.

If a child's development is going well - and that only a doctor can tell - it does not need fat.If necessary, weight gain should occur with the consumption of healthy foods. Chocolates, candy, snacks and soft drinks are high in sugars and ingredients with little or no nutritional value. Will make the child gain weight, but not health. Parents should invest in higher-calorie dishes and rich in nutrients such as pasta, cakes, cheese, oats and fruit. A good doctor or nutritionist will be able to steer.

According to experts, obesity is a disease, no matter the age. There is healthy fat. And they are adamant: except in cases where there are metabolic diseases, overweight children are the result of wrong feeding families and parents who do not recognize that the child is overweight and, therefore, make no prevention against obesity. Two studies, one done at the University Medical Center Groeningen in the Netherlands, and another conducted jointly by the Universities of Minnesota and Washington, USA, showed that parents see their children slimmer than they really are and do not recognize that they are obese. It is not very different from Brazilian reality.According to the Ministry of Health, in the last five years, the percentage of Brazilian children under 5 years were overweight increased from 6.4 to 9.2%. If a child is overweight, your diet should change.

A restrictive diet, like adults, can harm their development. What she needs is a dietary reeducation. Some changes will make a big difference. For example, removing rubbish, such as candy and snacks, reducing fats and refined sugars, does not offer too many carbohydrates, encouraging the consumption of vegetables and fruits and eat every three hours. Encourage physical activity, which means for small children playing tag, ball, shuttlecock, jumping - and not run on the treadmill. It is also necessary to change the lifestyle and eating not only the child but also the entire family. If she does not see the parents and siblings eating properly, will do the same. The experts also explain that there are some factors that help in weight gain: TV in the room, eating off the table and not eat breakfast.

To help a child gain it is good to offer vitamin supplements
It depends. In most cases, no. When a child needs to gain weight (weight is below average, its development is being impaired), the family should seek the advice of a doctor. Only he can analyze the eating habits and to evaluate whether it is necessary to invest in this type of supplement. A healthy diet will supply all the required vitamins and nutrients that a kid needs to grow and you can make an adjustment to help you gain weight. Unlike what many think, the vitamins are not totally innocent. Excess - what usually happens when you take supplements without medical supervision - can harm children's development and cause disease.

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