Friday, June 15, 2012

ADHD Treatment in Children

In ADHD cases drug therapy can be used and this is the first line therapy according to some specialists. In order for a child to behave normally in his surrounding, all a child needs is some stimulant drugs.  The treatment should be multidimensional. The stimulant drug would only work best  when it seems absolutely necessary that the child needs the drug treatment.

One cannot ignore the side effects of the drug. The side effects can do damage by preventing the children from taking the medicines for a long time. It has come to the notice that the ADHD medications have shown benefits to children but there have also been some problems associated with the drugs. The question comes to the mind; how can these problems be tackled?

Some kids have never been given the drugs for ADHD and they have gotten better. This may not be true. It is very possible that these children might have had mild symptoms. There are some children who do not want to take the medicines and they strongly refuse it when they are given it. Especially the teenagers refuse to take the medications. In a situation like this one, if the children are forced to take the medicine the results might not be good. So what should be done to prevent this?

There are many medicines for the children who are suffering from ADHS. But not all children respond to the drugs that are given to them. The matter can not be ignored as the medications do help a lot of chilren with ADHD problems but there are still many children who never respond to the medicines. So when the question comes in to the mind of ADHD treatment for kids, it should be made clear that the children should recover.

There are other means of therapy for ADHD. Behaviour therapy has been used for a long time to help the children. The therapy helps the children by teaching some simple norms and values that would make it easier for them to move appropriately in a society.

The relationship between children and parents is tied with a knot of friendship. If the child is appreciated by his parents when he gets good grades then he will be motivated to work even harder. Same is with the teachers, children with ADHD need more appreciation and encouragement on their achievements. When he’ll get the encouragement that he needs, he’ll me motivated. A child’s interests should be highlighted and should be provided with his/her positive consequences.

A physician should provide the child with the best results. There are other ways to cure ADHD besides drug treatment and behaviour treatment. They are Zinc and Feingold diet, music therapy. These are alternative treatments.

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