Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Anemia & Gestational Diabetes

As happened with Maryjane, MTAs often accuses the first test but high glucose curve dps examination contradicts this result, basically, this is going to happen to you! First, it applies a strict diet to pregnant women, and only if this does not work goes to the most extreme (and rare) as the injection of insulin.
"The completion of this test is essential in that, if left untreated, diabetes can have implications for the health of the baby and mother. Thus the baby may grow too making it difficult birth vaginally, often forcing the cesarean : This condition, called macrosomia, which corresponds to a fetus with more than four pounds, is because the excess glucose circulating in the blood eventually reach the placenta, causing the pancreas to produce more insulin.
Another possible complication is hypoglycemia: the baby is born with low blood sugar because their own insulin production is high. To balance the values ​​may be necessary to administer a glucose solution, which is done intravenously. The baby may also have difficulty breathing and need to receive oxygen. 
The neo-natal jaundice is also associated with gestational diabetes: the skin and whites of the eyes take on a yellowish tint because the baby's liver is still immature and can not break down a substance called bilirubin. This condition is easily treated and is no problem. It requires, however, attention.
Ultimately, there is the risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes. The mother runs the same risk, along with a greater likelihood of developing gestational diabetes in another pregnancy. More likely is also pre-eclampsia, characterized by high blood pressure and excess protein in urine and that without treatment, can pave the way for serious complications for mother and baby. "

The blood pressure of pregnant woman increase about 150 percent of normal level and amount of red blood cells increases 20 to 30 percent above normal level and usually occurs gradually. So in this way, a lower amount of red blood cells is remained in blood stream. This lower amount of red blood cells in total blood stream of woman is called as physiological anemia. And this is not caused by decreased amount of nutrition but it occurs normally during pregnancy period. And if iron stores in body are not fulfilling the needs properly, the medical treatment will require in this regard.

Gestational Diabetes
The insulin acts with placenta to synthesize hormones. In the beginning weeks, this antagonism may cause gestational diabetes in woman who comes from a family where people suffer from diabetes. There are 4 percent of pregnancies suffer from gestational pregnancies in North America and about 7 percent in Caucasian population. A screen out is made to pregnant women in first 20 to 28 weeks for concentration of blood glucose just after an hour they have consumed 75 grams of glucose. They have to go for carbohydrate intake that is a special diet and it lasts for the whole day and sometimes insulin injections are required and often some physical activities. This gestational diabetes usually does not remain exist after the birth of child but it will lead to suffering from diabetes if the mother will not maintain a healthy weight of body. The importance should be given to gestational diabetes and diabetes both present in mother before the birth of child. If it is not controlled, there is chance of fetus to grow too much because too much insulin will be produced and lead to fetal growth. If the size of fetus is bigger than the normal level, the pregnancy may suffer from cesarean section. There are other risks involved as birth trauma and malformations and low amount of glucose in blood and the need of early delivery

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